Posts Tagged ‘ nokia ’

My fMMS problem and solution for the n900

I was having issues on my n900 while trying to send an MMS using the fMMS app on Maemo 5 PR 1.2.


On fMMS 1.03 (or 1.1.3 ?) it would report the error as error 32: broken pipe

On fMMs 1.1.8 it just seems to hang and never send… but keep waiting and you get:

(xxxxx = 5 digit number)

Operation Failed

MMSC: 200_OK

BODY:{‘Transaction-ID’: ‘xxxxx’, ‘Resoinse-Text’

‘Maximum message size exceeded’, ‘MMS-Version’: ‘1.0’

‘Message-Type’: ‘m-send-conf’, ‘Response-Status’: ‘Error-


1.1.8 has a far more descriptive error message! Getting a screenshot is a little tricky given that any attempt to cick on the screen result in the message vanishing.

After a little digging, I finally figured out that my URLs were fine – the problem was elsewhere!

By tapping the little arrow on the top of the page you can go to the settings menu.

my original fMMS settings

As you can see in bright orange “Reszie to” is set to original.  Tap it and a little menu pops up from the bottom of the screen in a smooth motion.

the fMMS menu options for resizing.

A quick tap on Medium and then (now this bit is VERY important)…. hit SAVE!  I can’t count the number of times I kept tapping above the menu thinking that it was sufficient.  It would probably explain why I didn’t think it was the right fix on the first go.  It was only after I realised that I was escaping rather than saving that I actually began to make some progress.

my updated fMMS settings

Changing the setting from original to medim seemed to fix it and I was able to send MMS messages freely again.